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Queens Truck Accident Lawyer

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  • 2 Locations in NYC
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During a typical year in New York, more than 2,500 large trucks, buses, and commercial vans* are involved in crashes on New York roads and highways. Truck accidents result in some of the most catastrophic injuries. The massive weight of semi-trailers makes them dangerous to every vehicle around them, and when the driver loses control or can’t stop in time to avoid a wreck, they can horrifically alter your life in the blink of an eye.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, our team of experienced 18 wheeler accident lawyers is here to help you navigate the legal complexities and seek the compensation you deserve.

Call Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. today for a free case evaluation.

Along with truck accidents, we also represent victims of car accidents, motorcycle accidents, construction accidents, wrongful death, slip and fall accidents, paralysis injuries, and any type of personal injury case.

Common Causes Of Truck Accidents In Queens And Nyc

Truck Accidents Caused By Unsecured Cargo And Unsafe Loads

Large commercial vehicles like flatbeds, semi-tractor trailers, tankers, and other big rigs are meant to haul cargo across the United States. This cargo could simply be normal household goods, crates of food, large cement pipes, wooden logs, or other construction materials. It goes without saying that this can be very dangerous. Since every state has different sets of laws, a federal agency known as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has been deputized to create regulations that apply throughout the United States. It does not matter where the truck driver is from, going to, or traveling in—these federal regulations set the minimum requirements. One of these requirements governs securing cargo, an important part of making a trucking delivery. This is an important safety regulation because unsecured cargo-causing NYC trucking accidents could result in serious personal injuries, including spinal cord injuries, back injuries, or the wrongful death of an innocent person.

FMCSA regulations govern the inspection of cargo and the use of cargo securement devices and systems. The specific section is 49 CFR 392.9 which applies to a truck driver and a trucking company. If a NYC or Queens trucking accident is caused by unsecured cargo, it is likely that this section was violated. Pertinently, truck drivers must inspect their cargo:

  • Before starting a delivery
  • Within the first 50 miles of beginning a trip or delivery
  • At any reexamination event, which includes:
    • When the truck driver changes status from on duty to off duty, or vice versa
    • If the truck has been driven for 3 hours, or
    • If the truck has been driven for 150 miles, whichever event comes first.

Even if the truck driver complied with this section, the fact that the cargo fell off of a truck and caused injuries to an innocent person is still likely the responsibility of the truck driver or trucking company. This is because a truck driver or trucking company is in control of and responsible for this cargo. It would be manifestly unfair to allow a truck driver or trucking company who is making money on the delivery to avoid paying for personal injuries caused by it.

Accidents From Truck Tire Blowouts

One of the scariest types of trucking accidents is an 18-wheeler tire blowout accident. This is when a wheel explodes while a truck is driving, usually on a highway or interstate at a fast speed. When the wheel is under the trailer bed portion of the truck, it could result in a violent explosion sending shrapnel into other vehicles along or behind the truck. In some instances, it could even cause the trailer to swing rapidly or sway into other lanes. But when the wheel is a front wheel under the cabin, it could cause the semi-tractor-trailer to lose control and become an unguided missile on our roadways. Oftentimes when the front tire blows out a large truck will cross into oncoming traffic and cause a catastrophic head-on collision. A tire blowout accident is typically the type of accident that the truck driver, trucking company, or another third-party entity is responsible for—not the victim. Yet, insurance companies and trucking companies will do everything in their post to blame the victim for the trucking accident. This simply does not make sense.

The main causes of tire blowouts are a truck driver or trucking company failing to inspect their tires, product defects, and maintenance teams failing to properly check, maintain, or install tires. There may be liability for a municipality such as a town, county, or the State for failing to properly maintain a roadway. However, commercial vehicle tires are meant to be very strong to withstand adverse road conditions. Therefore, most times the liability for an 18 wheeler tire blowout accident in New York is due to the negligence of a truck driver or trucking company.

Some of the most common reasons for truck tire blowouts include the following:

  • Improper maintenance
  • Improper installation of the tire (not balanced)
  • Overpacking a truck or excessive heavy loads
  • Wrong tires such as tires not rated for that weight or for the speed (some tires are only for under 55 MPH)
  • Product defects of the tire
  • Aggressive driving such as hard turns
  • Speeding and driving too fast, especially above what the tire may be able to sustain
  • Distracted driving
  • Failing to avoid potholes and other roadway debris or hazards
  • Hitting a curb, barrier, or other fixture around the road
  • Hard or excessive braking
  • Fatigued and hours of service violations
  • Drunk driving or drugged driving
  • Delays in checking or replacing tires, and
  • Many other dangerous or abnormal conditions.

Since the trucking industry is an interstate industry and many trucks in New York City and Long Island are not originally from New York, a federal agency is deputized to create rules and regulations that serve as the minimum requirements throughout the United States. A large portion of the FMCSA’s regulations governs equipment, particularly tires. Under 49 CFR section 293.75 (a), the FMCSA regulations on truck tires prohibit a truck driver or trucking company from operating a commercial vehicle with a defective wheel or tire that has any of the following traits:

  1. Has body ply or belt material exposed through the tread or sidewall
  2. Has any tread or sidewall separation
  3. Is flat or has an audible leak, or
  4. Has a cut to the extent that the ply or belt material is exposed.

In addition, a commercial vehicle’s front tire must have a tread depth of at least 4/32 of an inch. This is to prevent bald tires that are prone to exploding in an 18-wheeler tire blowout accident. If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident in New York, contact one of our New York truck accident lawyers today for a free consultation.

Truck Driver Fatigue Or Truck Driver Asleep At The Wheel

Even to a well-rested and experienced truck driver, large commercial vehicles like 18 wheelers, semi tractor-trailers, and other box trucks are inherently dangerous. But when truck drivers are not well-rested or are inexperienced, it makes safe driving almost impossible. AAA found that missing just two or three hours of sleep could increase a driver’s risk of crashing to that of a drunk driver. According to CDC research, each year drowsy driving is responsible for over 72,000 crashes, 44,000 injuries, and 800 wrongful deaths. These are staggering numbers considering that drowsy driving is a preventable and unnecessary risk.

A truck driver who falls asleep at the wheel turns a large 18-wheeler or semi-tractor trailer into an unguided missile on our roadways. This means that victims in other vehicles or who are on or around the roadway as pedestrians are put at risk due to a truck driver’s unnecessary actions. Unfortunately, a truck driver who is trying to make more money at a faster rate by depriving himself or herself of sleep is just risking our lives for money.

The trucking industry is an interstate business, meaning that it extends through many states across the country. While states have similar laws, oftentimes each state has different legal and regulatory obligations on truck drivers and trucking companies. Sometimes a truck driver is only traveling through a state for a short amount of time and decides it is not worth the hassle to look up the legal obligations or comply with them. This is particularly true because the trucking business is an industry focused on the motto “time is money.” The faster that a truck driver can make a delivery, the faster that the truck driver and trucking company can get paid. The more deliveries, the more money.

This is why the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has enacted federal regulations that create limits on truck drivers and trucking companies no matter what state they are from, in, or going to. These regulations are the minimum requirements that all truck drivers and trucking companies must satisfy, in addition to whatever state laws the semi tractor-trailer is traveling through.

One comprehensive part of the FMCSA regulations is the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations. These regulations prescribe exactly how long a truck driver may operate a commercial vehicle in a given day, week, or even an 8-day period. When these hours of service regulations are violated and a truck driver asleep at the wheel causes a truck wreck, victims may be able to use the violation of these regulations as evidence of negligence to prove liability in a New York 18 wheeler crash.

The most applicable HOS regulations include the following:

  • Maximum 14 consecutive hours “on shift” and a minimum of 10 consecutive hours “off shift”
  • Maximum of 8 consecutive hours driving during a shift before taking at least a 30-minute break
  • Maximum of 10 hours total spent driving during a 14-hour shift
  • Maximum of 60 hours spent “on shift” in any seven consecutive days
  • Maximum of 70 hours spent “on shift” in any eight consecutive days, and
  • Other regulations your Queens trucking accident lawyers may use.

Truck Driver Error

New York Vehicle and Traffic laws apply to all motorists in New York operating on New York roadways.The FMCSA regulations apply to every truck driver no matter what state he or she is driving in, coming from, or going to.These regulations apply in New York, and if a truck driver violates these regulations they could be used as evidence of negligence against a truck driver.

There are many common examples of truck driver errors leading to serious or fatal New York City trucking accidents.This includes some of the most common causes:

  • Speeding – violation of New York VTL
  • Driving too fast in inclement weather like snow or ice – NY VTL and common law, and FMCSA violations
  • Improper left turns – violation of NY VTL
  • Hours of Service violations and driving while fatigued or falling asleep at the wheel – NY common law and FMCSA violations
  • Aggressive driving – violations of New York VTL and common law, and FMCSA violation
  • Unsecured cargo – NY VTL and FMCSA violation (more requirements under FMCSA)
  • Defective equipment like damaged tires, brake mishaps, and steering column issues – NY VTL and common law, and FMCSA violations (more requirements under FMCSA for trucks)
  • Drug or alcohol use – NY VTL and common law, and FMCSA violations (NY VTL has .08 BAC limit, common law could give driving while ability impaired (DWAI) and FMCSA requires a 0.0 BAC and no alcohol for 4 hours prior to a shift)
  • Distracted driving – NY VTL and common law, and FMCSA violation (FMCSA is only texting while driving), and
  • Many other common truck driver errors.

Rear-end Truck Accidents

Rear-end collisions are one of the most preventable types of motor vehicle accidents. This is because all motorists must give enough space to prevent a collision with the vehicle in front of them.If they fail to do that, a motorist may be following too closely.A motorist following too closely could seriously injure the individuals in the vehicle in the front.

While rear-end collisions are the most preventable, they are still the most common. This is because far too many motorists act unreasonably including acting recklessly, carelessly, and negligently. Some of the most common causes of rear-end trucking accidents in Queens, New York include the following:

  • Fatigued driver, including violating hours of service regulations by the FMCSA
  • Drunk driving
  • Drugged driving, including using illicit drugs like stimulants (cocaine) to stay awake longer to drive more to make faster deliveries and get paid more often
  • Speeding
  • Snow and ice
  • Following too closely in general
  • Aggressive driving and road rage
  • Rushing to meet a deadline
  • Failing to yield
  • Inexperienced driver
  • Mechanical failures, and
  • Many other common causes.

Crashing Into A Parked Truck Or Disabled Truck

A disabled vehicle on the roadway is always dangerous.When that vehicle is a large wall like a tractor-trailer, it can become incredibly dangerous and deadly. It may feel like driving into a parked truck is all your fault. But it is not. There are specific federal regulations that require trucks to guard against motorists from colliding with their vehicles.

This is why federal regulations require a commercial vehicle that is disabled on the roadway to use its flashers and place warning signs. This is required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which is the federal agency deputized with creating regulations that apply to commercial vehicle drivers throughout the United States no matter what state the truck is in, going to, or coming from.

Disabled trucks and emergency signals for stopped commercial vehicles are governed by 49 CFR section 392.22 which has two important sections that all commercial vehicle drivers must comply with.

First, subsection (a) provides the following:

Whenever a commercial motor vehicle is stopped upon the traveled portion of a highway or the shoulder of a highway for any cause other than necessary traffic stops, the driver of the stopped commercial motor vehicle shall immediately activate the vehicular hazard warning signal flashers and continue the flashing until the driver places the warning devices required by paragraph (b) of this section.

This section requires that a truck driver immediately turn on his or her hazard flashing lights.This is an easy thing to do and it requires only the flick of a button to comply.However, far too many truck drivers fail to use these lights which is an easy and quick way to protect innocent motorists.

Second, section (b) provides the following:

Whenever a commercial motor vehicle is stopped upon the traveled portion or the shoulder of a highway for any cause other than necessary traffic stops, the driver shall, as soon as possible, but in any event within 10 minutes, place the warning devices required by §393.95 of this subchapter, in the following manner:

(i) One on the traffic side of and 4 paces (approximately 3 meters or 10 feet) from the stopped commercial motor vehicle in the direction of approaching traffic;

(ii) One at 40 paces (approximately 30 meters or 100 feet) from the stopped commercial motor vehicle in the center of the traffic lane or shoulder occupied by the commercial motor vehicle and in the direction of approaching traffic; and;

(iii) One at 40 paces (approximately 30 meters or 100 feet) from the stopped commercial motor vehicle in the center of the traffic lane or shoulder occupied by the commercial motor vehicle and in the direction away from approaching traffic.

This section requires truck drivers to place warning signs on the roadways to warn oncoming motorists of a hazard coming up—their truck.This is important because it helps motorists realize that there is something in the shoulder that could be potentially hazardous.Many times these warning signs can prevent a collision. There is a liability when a truck driver fails to place warning signs for a stopped or disabled truck. These regulations are safety regulations to prevent someone from colliding with a disabled truck.When a truck driver fails to comply with the FMCSA regulations, it could result in serious personal injuries or the wrongful death of an innocent person.Under New York law, the violation of a regulation that is meant to protect someone from the harm they suffered is evidence of negligence.This is known as the doctrine of negligence per se and allows a victim to use the violation of a regulation to support their liability claim.

It is possible that, by driving into a parked, disabled truck, a jury or court may find the victim to have some comparative fault.New York is a comparative fault state which means that the percentage of a victim’s fault in causing his injuries will reduce his award.For example, if a victim recovered $100,000 but was 25% at fault, a victim’s total award may be reduced to $75,000.

Delivery Van Accidents

Home delivery of products continues to grow, now even including groceries and fast food. Not surprisingly, that growth brings with it increased injuries. Delivery service drivers, pressured to meet unreasonable goals by their corporate employers, often cut corners at the expense of the community. That is why Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C., has experienced delivery van accident lawyers ready to fight for your rights. If you’ve been injured by an Amazon delivery van accident or another type of delivery truck accident, give us a call now.

Queens, Ny Garbage Truck Accidents

Garbage trucks are on the roads of Queens and NYC every day. Sometimes these drivers cause accidents that can cause major injury or even death. Protecting your rights against a municipality like a city, a public entity, brings with it a completely new universe of problems. The law becomes especially difficult because it creates completely new rules and practices that only apply to public bodies such as cities. Those rules, often requiring shorter deadlines, for instance, can trip up the less experienced practitioner. If you’ve been hit by a garbage truck and injured in the accident, it’s important to call a Queens garbage truck accident lawyer near you right away.

How Much Are Most Truck Accident Settlements?

The average truck accident settlement amount in NYC ranges from $10,000 – $75,000+, depending on the specific aspects of the incident and parties involved.

Understanding the typical compensation for an 18-wheeler accident in New York City can be helpful, but it’s important to know that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Every accident is different, so settlements can vary widely depending on various factors like the severity of injuries, property damage, and other circumstances surrounding the incident.

What Is a Truck Accident Settlement?

When a truck accident occurs in New York City, the aftermath usually involves legal steps to resolve the situation. This process often ends with what’s called a truck accident settlement.

In simple terms, this means the party responsible for the accident, like a tired truck driver or their company, agrees to pay a certain amount of money to the person – or people – who were injured as a result of the incident.

These settlements cover various types of truck accidents, including those involving big rigs, city buses, and tow trucks to name a few. How long it takes to sort out these cases can vary, but usually, they’re wrapped up within 6 to 16 months after the accident.

How Are Truck Accident Settlement Amounts Determined?

Truck accidents in NYC often result in settlements that are higher than those of regular car accidents. This is because big rigs, with their massive size and weight, can cause serious damage. Several factors determine how much a settlement might be.

The main factor is who’s to blame for the accident. This decides who pays for the damages. Sometimes, both sides share the blame, which can affect how much money someone gets.

The extent of injuries also plays a big role. The worse the injuries, the more money someone might receive. If someone dies in the accident, the settlement can be even bigger. That’s why it’s crucial to have good legal help during this time, like what we offer at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C..

Then there’s the insurance. Some trucking companies don’t have enough insurance to cover everything. In those cases, the injured person might not get all the money they’re owed. But there are laws that say trucking companies need a certain amount of insurance.

Insurance can give an idea of how much someone might get. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says trucking companies need:

  • $300,000 for trucks carrying less than 10,000 pounds of non-hazardous cargo
  • $750,000 for trucks carrying more than 10,000 pounds of non-hazardous cargo
  • $1,000,000 for private tankers carrying oil
  • $5,000,000 for private carriers carrying hazardous cargo

But even with these amounts, the bills from an accident can still be way more. That’s why it’s important to have good legal help to make sure you get what you deserve.

At Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C., we’re here to offer support and guidance through every step of the legal process. Whether you’re dealing with medical bills, lost wages, or pain and suffering, we’re dedicated to helping you seek the compensation you deserve.

Read more about car accident settlement amounts.

Why You Need A Truck Accident Attorney in Queens

Here’s why you need a truck accident attorney in Queens, even if the evidence backs up your claim. In many cases, truck companies are underinsured or choose to self-insure, meaning they budget money to pay victims injured in crashes caused by their drivers or unsafe equipment. Tractor-trailer accident cases are often made more complex because multiple parties may be held liable for causing the crash or increasing the level of injuries. You may include the truck company owners, the truck driver, maintenance contractors, and possibly the freight owner, as well, as defendants in your lawsuit.

Truck companies often have a local investigator in the area, who will be dispatched to the scene of the accident to recover the log book and other critical evidence that may prove liability. We will act quickly on your behalf to protect evidence and thoroughly investigate the cause of the wreck. When necessary, we work with independent specialists such as accident reconstruction experts, medical professionals, and life-care specialists to make sure we have prepared the strongest, clearest case possible, for reaching a settlement or winning in court, if trial becomes necessary.

New York Truck Accident Lawyer FAQs

What should I do if I am involved in a truck accident in New York?

If you are involved in a truck accident in New York, the first step is to seek medical attention for any injuries. Call 911 if necessary. Once safe, gather information about the accident, including the truck driver’s name, contact details, insurance information, and the trucking company’s name. Take photos of the accident scene and your injuries. 

How is a truck accident different from a car accident?

Accidents involving trucks are often more severe than car accidents due to the weight and size of commercial trucks. Trucks can cause catastrophic damage and injuries. Truck accident cases are also more complex because they may involve multiple liable parties, such as the truck driver, trucking company, and truck manufacturer. 

Can you recover compensation after a truck accident?

Yes, victims of truck accidents may seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. The amount of compensation you can recover depends on the specific circumstances of your case. 

How can Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. help me with my truck accident case in New York?

The experienced truck accident lawyers at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. can help you in many ways, including:

    Investigating your accident and gathering evidence

    Identifying all liable parties

    Communicating with insurance companies on your behalf

    Negotiating a fair settlement

    Filing a lawsuit and representing you in court if necessary

How long do I have to file a truck accident claim in New York?

In New York, you generally have three years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. However, in certain circumstances, such as claims against a government entity, you only have 90 days to file your claim. It is crucial to consult an experienced New York truck accident attorney immediately to avoid missing important deadlines.

Contact An Experienced Queens Semi Truck Accident Attorney Near You

Looking for the best truck accident lawyer in Queens? If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, call the truck accident attorneys at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. at (718) 971-2107 for a FREE consultation. Our Queens truck accident lawyers provide a free, no-obligation case evaluation and handle all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. You will not pay lawyers’ fees if we do not help you recover monetary compensation for your claim. Call (718) 971-2107 to arrange an initial consultation. You may also use our convenient email contact form to request a return phone call about your case.

We have experience with all types of motor vehicle accidents and have Queens car accident lawyers, motorcycle attorneys, traumatic brain injury (TBI) attorneys, and pedestrian accident lawyers ready to fight for you. Contact us today to speak to a personal injury attorney in Queens!

Motor Vehicle Collisions Data, State of New York.

Learn more about how long do you have to file a police report in New York State and how to get a copy of your New York State Police report

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The insurance company wants to talk to you. Should you?

You should speak with a car crash attorney first. Insurance company representatives are there to protect the insurance company’s bottom line by paying out as little as possible if anything. They are not there to help you, even if they sound friendly.


What is the value of your case? The insurance company says it wants to pay you less than you thought they would.

This is also where an attorney can help. An experienced attorney can help you see how your case should be valued as opposed to the insurance company using their initial number as a place to begin bargaining. An attorney can handle that back-and-forth on your behalf.


When should I see a doctor?

If you have not already seen a doctor, you need to do so. Car accident injuries can often be hidden from plain sight. Your attorney should be able to assist you in locating a reliable medical professional.

How long will a car accident case take?

The real answer depends on a variety of factors that can be taken into account by your attorney. That answer will depend on the complexity of the injuries, the complexity of any insurance provisions, and if the insurance company counsel is reasonable, just to name a few factors.


What about going to court? Is that always necessary?

No, it is not always necessary. Many times, negotiating for a settlement will prove sufficient. There are times, however, when a trial will best protect your rights. You should be able to rely on your attorney to develop a relationship with you so they can help you understand the legal options that best meet your needs and goals.



When you’re injured, you shouldn’t have to be kept in the dark while the insurance company and your attorney handle your case. That’s why we’ve made working with us as easy as possible.

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You see doctors to help you recover.


We find the people responsible for your injury.


We hold them accountable for your injury and fight for you.


We get you the complete compensation you deserve.

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