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Queens, NY Personal Injury Lawyers

Head On Collisions Causing Catastrophic Personal Injuries

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On Behalf of  | Mar 31, 2020 | Car AccidentsMotor Vehicle AccidentsPersonal Injury |


Possibly one of the most explosive types of car accidents is a head on collision. This is because the force of impact is multiplied when two opposing forces collide. The extreme energy generated is dispersed into both vehicles which must go through the occupants. These shockwaves are devastating and destructive on the human body. This is why traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, amputations, and broken bones are all common injuries in a head on collision. There are many possible causes of a head on collision causing catastrophic personal injuries such as those above and many more, all of which our Queens car accident lawyers may handle for you and your family to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Some of these forms of compensation that victims of head on collisions causing catastrophic personal injury may be entitled to include pain and suffering, lost wages, lost future earnings, medical bills, loss of consortium, property damage, home or vehicle modifications, mobility assistance equipment, and any other damages caused by the accident. Here at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. , our experienced Queens car accident lawyers understand how devastating a head on collision can be even at a low or average speed. Our legal team will work hard to protect your rights against an aggressive insurance company trying to deny or underpay your claim. We offer FREE case evaluations and only get paid once we collect a settlement or court award for you.


Head on collisions just should not happen with the proper exercise of reasonable care in the use or operation of a motor vehicle. Said differently, a reasonable driver would not cause a head on collision if he or she was paying attention and being careful. This means that most head on collisions are completely preventable and avoidable if a driver safely operates a motor vehicle.

But our Queens car accident lawyers know that this does not always happen. Some of the most common causes of head on collisions causing catastrophic personal injuries include the following:

Distracted Driving – This is a huge and growing problem, especially amongst new drivers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) provides that more than 2,800 people are killed each year due to distracted driving. They believe that this number is far higher but more difficult to prove. The most common causes of distracted driving is using a cell phone to call or text, as well as other distractions such as using the radio, GPS, or even eating. Texting while driving is considered to be the most dangerous because it diverts eyes away from the roadway, a hand off the wheel, and attention off driving. New York’s Vehicle and Traffic Law prohibits using a cell phone while calling except in emergency situations or through the use of a hands-free system. Driving who are driving distracted and cause a head on collision could be liable to victims.

Drunk Driving – This is another huge and completely preventable cause of head on collisions. The NHTSA statistics demonstrate almost 30 people die each day due to a drunk driving accident. Even just a .02 BAC can result in some loss of judgment and a decline in visual functions. While New York has a statutory BAC limit of .08, a drunk driver could be found liable for a BAC lower than that under the common law (or judge-made law). Truck drivers are prohibited from having any BAC when operating a commercial vehicle and they are actually prohibited from consuming any alcohol at least four hours before starting a shift. Head on collisions causing catastrophic personal injuries by drunk drivers could be liable to victims and their families.

Falling Asleep at the Wheel – Driving while fatigued is incredibly dangerous and can result in catastrophic personal injuries.  This is because driving while fatigued can delay reaction time and cause a driver to lose focus.  If a driver falls asleep at the wheel, it can turn a vehicle into an unguided missile and send it over the centerline of traffic causing a deadly head on collision.

Speeding – This is dangerous because it increases stopping distance, increases force upon impact, increases the risk of losing control (and crossing the center line), and decreases reaction time. Speeding is also completely preventable and unnecessary on our already congested roadways.

Failing to Stop – Running a red light, stop sign, or failing to yield can result in catastrophic personal injuries in a head on collision. These are basic traffic rules that even children know to stop at a red light or stop sign. Yet, far too many adults are impatient and do not follow the law. This places the rest of us all at risk for serious injury.


Head on collisions causing catastrophic personal injuries can usually be avoided. Proper and safe driving can save a life when it comes to avoiding head on collisions. If a reckless, careless, or negligent motorist caused a New York car accident, ask our Queens car accident lawyers at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. how we can help you today by protecting your rights to compensation. We offer FREE consultations and case evaluations and only get paid once you get paid. Call today by dialing (718) 971-2107 for your free case evaluation or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here.

Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C.

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