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Handling Depositions Effectively

You may have heard that most personal injury cases settle before going to trial. That is true – and it means that a preliminary legal step called a deposition can play a key role in how your case turns out.

In New York, a deposition is also called an examination before trial (EBT). It is a chance for the two sides of a lawsuit to pin each other down on their positions, prior to taking action to resolve the case through settlement or trial.

At Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C., we have the proven ability in personal injury litigation to help you use the deposition process effectively to hold the party who injured you accountable. Give us a call today to arrange a free case evaluation with an experienced attorney. Based in Forest Hills, we serve clients throughout the NYC metropolitan area.

How We Make Sure Your Story Gets Told Clearly

A deposition or EBT is part of the pre-trial discovery process, in which the two sides learn about each others’ cases. It consists of a witness answering questions from the other side under oath.

There is no judge present to guide the proceedings and no jury to decide an immediate outcome. The only people present are the parties to the lawsuit and their attorneys, along with a stenographer to make a record of the testimony.

In a case that seeks compensation for a serious injury, it is important to be ready to assert or defend your position in an EBT setting. If the other side is taking your deposition, we will make sure you are well prepared. We will help you review what happened so that you can tell your story clearly and truthfully.

Of course, defending your position is only half the battle. We will also work proactively to take depositions of other witnesses to build a strong case for the rightful compensation you seek.

Get The Legal Counsel You Need

You don’t have to be daunted by the possibility that you will have to give a deposition when pursuing your claim. Talk with us in a no-obligation initial consultation to learn more about how we can guide you through the process. Call (718) 971-2107 or complete our online form.

Injury Lawyers
That Fight


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  • Free to Evaluate Your Case
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The insurance company wants to talk to you. Should you?

You should speak with a car crash attorney first. Insurance company representatives are there to protect the insurance company’s bottom line by paying out as little as possible if anything. They are not there to help you, even if they sound friendly.


What is the value of your case? The insurance company says it wants to pay you less than you thought they would.

This is also where an attorney can help. An experienced attorney can help you see how your case should be valued as opposed to the insurance company using their initial number as a place to begin bargaining. An attorney can handle that back-and-forth on your behalf.


When should I see a doctor?

If you have not already seen a doctor, you need to do so. Car accident injuries can often be hidden from plain sight. Your attorney should be able to assist you in locating a reliable medical professional.

How long will a car accident case take?

The real answer depends on a variety of factors that can be taken into account by your attorney. That answer will depend on the complexity of the injuries, the complexity of any insurance provisions, and if the insurance company counsel is reasonable, just to name a few factors.


What about going to court? Is that always necessary?

No, it is not always necessary. Many times, negotiating for a settlement will prove sufficient. There are times, however, when a trial will best protect your rights. You should be able to rely on your attorney to develop a relationship with you so they can help you understand the legal options that best meet your needs and goals.



When you’re injured, you shouldn’t have to be kept in the dark while the insurance company and your attorney handle your case. That’s why we’ve made working with us as easy as possible.

You get injured. You call Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C.


You see doctors to help you recover.


We find the people responsible for your injury.


We hold them accountable for your injury and fight for you.


We get you the complete compensation you deserve.

Injury Lawyers
That Fight


  • 2 Locations in NYC
  • 100+ Years of Combined Experience
  • Free to Evaluate Your Case
  • No Fee Unless We Win

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(718) 971-2107
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Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C.

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