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Causes of Queens Trucking Accidents: Why You Need Us to Investigate

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On Behalf of  | May 7, 2020 | Truck Accidents |


Like other motor vehicle accidents, there are many possible causes of Queens trucking accidents.  But unlike car accidents, trucking accidents are more likely to result in 1) catastrophic injuries, 2) overburdening medical bills, and 3) wrongful death.  This is due to a commercial vehicle’s sheer size and weight, particularly semi tractor trailers, double trailers, and tankers.  Although almost all of the common causes are avoidable, unfortunately far too many truck drivers are reckless, careless, and downright negligent.  This means many of the common causes are preventable and should not occur but for the negligence of a truck driver.  Further, it is important to realize that many common causes of Queens trucking accidents are not immediately obvious or apparent.  This means that they can be difficult to determine what happened.  Victims injured by the reckless acts of a truck driver could be frustrated and confused what happens next.

Here at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. , our experienced Queens trucking accident lawyers understanding how frustrating, confusing, and overwhelming it can be when a loved one is injured in a serious trucking accident.  In these times of great uncertainty, victims and their families can rely on our compassionate law firm to help lead them through this process.  Call today for a free case evaluation to learn how we can help protect your rights to compensation under New York law if a negligent truck driver or trucking company caused your injuries.


The common causes of Queens trucking accidents are generally premised on either New York statutory law (legislatively-made law) or federal regulations (agency-made rules).  The New York statute that is involved is the Vehicle and Traffic Law, whereas the federal rules are from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).


If you have been involved in any type of trucking accident occurring in Queens, NYC, Long Island, or anywhere else in New York, you need to ask our law firm to investigate what caused your accident.  This is because some causes are not always obvious.  Here are some of the most common causes that are not always obvious:

  • Hours of Service Violations – the FMCSA regulations prohibit a truck driver from operating a commercial vehicle for too long.  The reason is to avoid truck driver fatigue which could be as dangerous as drunk driving in some instances.  This is a very hard cause to detect, particularly because the only person or entity that knows how long a truck driver has been operating is the truck driver or trucking company.  This allows for the defendants to manipulate this data.  An experienced Queens trucking accident lawyer can fight back and establish the true number of hours that a truck driver has been working.
  • Speeding – on an interstate or highway it can be difficult to determine whether a truck driver was speeding or not.  But a truck has a “black box” known as an ECM which keeps track of speed. This too can be modified or destroyed.  Our lawyers can fight back to recover this proof and determine liability.
  • Cocaine Use – Yes, truck drivers are known to use cocaine to stay awake.  The longer that a truck driver can stay awake and drive, the more money that he or she can make.  This is because cocaine is a stimulant. But it also impairs judgment and can make operating a truck significantly more dangerous.  This is difficult to prove, but FMCSA regulations (and NYS law) prohibit drug use while operating any vehicle.  But FMCSA requires mandatory testing in certain situations which could detect drug use.
  • Disabled trucks – All disabled trucks must use hazard warning lights immediately when disabled.  The failure to do so could present a hazard to other motorists on the roadway.
  • Equipment failures – Commercial vehicles have massive moving parts and many complicated parts, including different types of braking systems, wheels, steering columns, and other devices.  These objects must be maintained properly otherwise they could fail.  A truck’s maintenance log would keep track of how these parts are installed, maintained, repaired, and inspected.  The failure to do so could result in a deadly trucking accident.


Large 18 wheeler or tractor trailer wrecks cause significant damage, even at low speeds.  On fast-moving highways the damages can be catastrophic and deadly.  Each of the common causes is likely to result in a finding of negligence because a reasonably prudent driver would not engage in any of those activities.  Further, the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law and FMCSA regulations prohibit the above-conduct and impose certain obligations on truck drivers.

If you or a loved one were seriously injured in any type of trucking accident occurring in New York, ask our Queens trucking accident lawyers at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. how we can help.  Learn what your rights may be by calling (718) 971-2107 for a FREE case evaluation or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here.

Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C.

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