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Queens, NY Personal Injury Lawyers

SLAP Tear from a Queens Car Accident: NYC Personal Injury Lawyers Explain

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On Behalf of  | Aug 26, 2020 | Car AccidentsInjuries |


There are many types of potential injuries which could be caused by the negligence of another person, business, or government entity.  One of the more common types of injuries in a motor vehicle accident is a SLAP tear.  But most people probably have not heard of a “SLAP tear” unless they have been diagnosed with one from a physician.  While this is a common type of injury for a high-performance athlete that throws, like a baseball player or quarterback, for the rest of us a SLAP tear is a type of injury that is caused through extreme force.  This means an explosive auto accident or trucking wreck, or a damaging slip and fall/trip and fall.  When there is a SLAP tear from a Queens car accident, there are some issues which needs to be addressed.

And our NYC personal injury lawyers at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. can do just that.  Start with a FREE consultation to learn what your rights may be in a personal injury action due to a motor vehicle accident.  If we accept your case, we will conduct a full investigation into your injuries and to establish liability.  This includes working with your treating physicians as well as possibly hiring experts to prove your damages or to establish liability.  We do all of this at no upfront cost to you because we accept cases on a contingency fee agreement which means we only get paid once we collect a settlement or court award for you.  This is important because a SLAP tear usually results in surgery surgery, which means that victims and their families may need more money in their pocket until a claim is resolved.  We have experience with shoulder surgery cases, particularly scope cases that we recently recovered $250,000, $200,000, and $194,500 for our clients in scope surgery personal injury cases.  (Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)


NYC personal injury lawyers at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. for Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior tear.  This is a part of the labrum that is torn in a large, ring-like fashion.  The area we are talking about is the “ball and socket” part of your arm.  The ball is the end of the arm bone, known as the humerus.  The labrum is a structure at the top of the arm which forms the socket that the humerus fits in.  It is where the biceps tendon (longhead) comes up the arm and into your shoulder.  The labrum is actually formed by the end of the biceps muscle which forms the cup.

In a SLAP tear, the labrum is torn from the front to the back of the attachment point.  Because this tissue is cartilage, it does not normally heal itself without surgery.


A SLAP tear from a Queens car accident likely will need surgery to repair the damage done.  The most common type of surgery for this is an arthroscopic surgery.  Also known as a scope surgery, this type of surgery is a minimally invasive procedure where a surgeon places several tube-like devices into several small incisions around the joint.  These tube-like devices are a camera for the surgeon to see inside the joint, a multi-tool that can sow or cut tissue, and sometimes an air device to help inflate the skin around the joint to increase the visibility of the joint.  Other tools can also grab or spread tissue, drain away blood or fluid buildup, and perform other surprising tasks.

The advantages of a scope surgery are clear.  Recovery time is much faster and outcomes are usually better.  Infection risks are also much lower which means this is a safer procedure.  To learn more more about scope surgeries, check out some of our other blog posts on scope surgeries such as this one.


Victims who have suffered a SLAP tear from a Queens car accident may be entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering, lost wages, lost future earnings, medical bills, surgery costs, medication costs, loss of consortium, and other damages related to the crash.  Victims should call our lawyers at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. to learn how we can help them immediately with their case.

Our experienced Queens car accident lawyers have handled other shoulder injury cases and understand how to protect the rights of victims suffering from a SLAP tear requiring a scope surgery.  Call today for a FREE consultation to learn how we can help you by dialing (718) 971-2107 or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here.

Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C.

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