FEDERAL LAWSUIT FILED OVER LEAD POISONING OF NEW YORK CHILDREN On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Jul 18, 2019 | Premises Liability | New Yorkers should feel safe in their homes. Sadly, though, this often isn’t the case. While violence in the city is always a concern, so, too, are silent dangers that can cause serious […]
Sleep apnea can increase the risk of truck accidents
SLEEP APNEA CAN INCREASE THE RISK OF TRUCK ACCIDENTS On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Sep 12, 2019 | Truck Accidents | Truckers carry a heavy responsibility. Not only are they tasked with delivering the goods we, as consumers, rely on day-in and day-out on a timely basis, but they must also carry out their duties […]
Study shows New York is a hotbed of pedestrian accidents
STUDY SHOWS NEW YORK IS A HOTBED OF PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Aug 16, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents | New York has its fair share of pedestrians. As such, motorists need to be extra careful when driving around the city. Failing to yield at a crosswalk or fully stop prior to […]
Quality of care regulations seek to prevent nursing home neglect
QUALITY OF CARE REGULATIONS SEEK TO PREVENT NURSING HOME NEGLECT On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Aug 2, 2019 | Nursing Home Neglect | New York’s elderly population is amongst the most vulnerable. Quite often, these individuals require extensive medical care that their loved ones simply can’t provide. These families may feel fortunate that they can […]
Premises liability and inadequate security
PREMISES LIABILITY AND INADEQUATE SECURITY On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Aug 29, 2019 | Premises Liability | Most premises liability claims are based on slip-and-fall accidents. In these instances, a property owner either knew or should have known of the dangerous property condition and failed to either correct the hazard or failed to warn others […]
Numerous deaths caused by those who fail to obey traffic signals
NUMEROUS DEATHS CAUSED BY THOSE WHO FAIL TO OBEY TRAFFIC SIGNALS On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Aug 30, 2019 | Uncategorized | Traffic signals are not a suggestion. They are in place to protect New York motorists and pedestrians. Unfortunately, a recently released article states that the number of deaths associated with running red lights […]
New York bicycle accident leaves one dead
NEW YORK BICYCLE ACCIDENT LEAVES ONE DEAD On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Jul 5, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents | New York certainly has its fair share of bicyclists. Some ride for fun, while others do it as a way to commute or as part of their jobs. Given the extensive amount of traffic in […]
How to protect your rights after a car accident
HOW TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Jul 5, 2019 | Uncategorized | Driving around in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and surrounding areas is risky. Regardless of the care you take while driving, another driver’s negligence could leave you and your passengers injured and facing medical bills, lost […]
Federal lawsuit filed over lead poisoning of New York children
FEDERAL LAWSUIT FILED OVER LEAD POISONING OF NEW YORK CHILDREN On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Jul 18, 2019 | Premises Liability | New Yorkers should feel safe in their homes. Sadly, though, this often isn’t the case. While violence in the city is always a concern, so, too, are silent dangers that can cause serious […]
We fight for truck accident victims and vicarious liability
WE FIGHT FOR TRUCK ACCIDENT VICTIMS AND VICARIOUS LIABILITY On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Jun 6, 2019 | Truck Accidents | The injuries suffered in a truck accident can be significant. Many victims end up with permanent disabilities, disfigurement and emotional trauma that lasts a lifetime. The financial ramifications can be overwhelming, too. Unexpected medical […]
New study shines light on prevalence of negligent driving
NEW STUDY SHINES LIGHT ON PREVALENCE OF NEGLIGENT DRIVING On Behalf of COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. | Jun 20, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents | There are numerous otherwise safe activities that can become extremely dangerous when conducted behind the wheel. Take a look around when you are driving. Chances are you will see someone engaging their phone, […]