One of the most common types of personal injuries in a motor vehicle accident is a back injury. This includes the neck and lower back, which are the two areas that are hurt the most often. Back injuries are a unique type of injury because they are usually what is known as a “soft tissue” injury. We know that back injuries occur, as most people do have some form of back injury or back pain at one time in their life. But most types of back injuries do not show up on objective images such as MRIs or x-rays. There are occasions when they will, but sometimes the most debilitating back pain may not be observable on any imaging scans. Our Queens personal injury lawyers knows this, and take different approaches to proving the different types of back injuries in a Queens car accident.
That is because here, at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C., our experienced Queens back injury lawyers near you have the resources and knowledge necessary to prove even the most complicated types of personal injury cases. We work with treating physicians and healthcare providers to evaluate and assess a client’s injuries to ensure that we ask for the right amount of compensation. We also may work with leading liability experts to help prove how the defendant was liable for the motor vehicle accident. We also may use other experts to establish the damages that a victim is suffering or likely to suffer in the future, including the need for future surgeries or modifications to one’s home or vehicle. If you or a loved one were seriously injured in a Queens car accident and suffered any type of back injury, call our experienced law firm to learn how we can help protect your rights to compensation under New York law.
A Note About Back Injury Classification As “soft Tissue” Injury
The classification of a back injury as a “soft tissue” injury is an important one. This is because New York is a no-fault state, meaning that insurance companies must quickly and immediately pay out medical bills and lost wages to help a victim of a motor vehicle accident. During and after that payment is occurring, the insurance companies that fight it out to determine which insurance company should pay for the damage.
Back injuries do not typically result in a fracture, and are more commonly going to have to be litigated over whether they caused a substantial or consequential limitation or affected a victim for 90 out of the first 180 days. These interpretations are what cause some motor vehicle accident cases, particularly back injury cases, to be hotly contested.However, sometimes a victim may be entitled to commence a lawsuit against the negligent party. That occurs when the victim has a “serious injury” as defined by the insurance law. There are many classifications of a serious injury, including a fracture which is an obvious one. But some grounds include those that are harder to prove, including substantial or consequential limitations or injuries that prevent a person from doing his or her normal and customary activities for 90 days out of the first 180 days after an accident.
Most Common Types Of Back Injuries After A Motor Vehicle Accident
There are many different types of back injuries that could be caused by a motor vehicle accident that our Queens car accident lawyers and Staten Island auto accident attorneys specializing in back injuries may be able to help you with. Some of the most common types of back injuries include the following:
- Compression fractures (almost always a serious injury under the insurance law and the most likely to be one in this list)
- Slipped discs
- Herniated discs
- Spinal cord injuries
- Spinal stenosis
- Nerve impingement
- Spinal cord impingement
- Paralysis including paraplegia or quadriplegia (likely to also be a serious injury under the insurance law)
- Annular tears
- Injuries causing a range of motion restriction in the cervical spin, thoracic spine, or lumbar spine of 20% or more; and
- Many other types of serious injuries or other debilitating back injuries caused by a Queens car accident.
Call Our Experienced Queens Back Injury Lawyers Near You For A Free Consultation
If you or a loved one suffered any type of back injury as a result of a serious or devastating accident, ask our experienced queens car accident back injury lawyers near you at Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. how we can help protect your rights to compensation under New York law. We accept cases on a contingency fee arrangement meaning that we do not get paid until you get paid, and we only receive a percentage of what we recover for you. Learn how we can help you by calling (718) 971-2107 for a FREE case evaluation or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here.