On Behalf of Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. | Jun 25, 2015 | Car Accidents |
In 2012, there 1,168 traffic accident fatalities in New York, or roughly 3.5 percent of all traffic fatalities nationwide, according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Speeding was a factor in 360 of those deaths, Nationally in the same year, speeding was a contributing or primary factor in 30 percent of all fatality crashes. Males between the ages of 15 to 24 were found to be the most likely drivers to have been speeding in a crash that caused a fatality.
The NHTSA report also zeros in on alcohol as a primary contributing factor to speeding-related car accidents. The statistics reveal that 42 percent of speeding drivers versus 16 percent of non-speeding drivers had blood alcohol concentrations of .08 or higher immediately after a fatal accident in 2012.
According to the NHTSA report, the hours between midnight and 3 a.m. are the most likely time for a fatal speeding crash to happen. These crashes generally occur more frequently on local highways, main streets and around neighborhoods, and less frequently on interstates or freeways. In 2012, nearly half of the speeding drivers who were involved in fatal crashes were not wearing their seat belts.
When reviewing a motor vehicle accident that has resulted in a serious injury to a client, a personal injury attorney might examine the official police investigation report as well as other evidence such as eyewitness testimony in an attempt to determine whether a speeding or otherwise negligent driver was the cause. If that can be established, the attorney might file a lawsuit on behalf of the injured victim seeking appropriate damages from the responsible driver.