On Behalf of Cohen & Cohen Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. | Dec 5, 2014 | Car Accidents |
On Dec. 1 at about 7:15 p.m., a 36-year-old woman was killed while she was out walking on Route 197 in Argyle, New York. Her friend, a 40-year-old woman, was taken to the hospital with severe injuries including several broken bones. The pair was struck from behind while walking north on the shoulder of the road by a man driving a Buick sedan south on Route 197.
The driver of the sedan, a 58-year-old Salem man, was not injured. He did not appear to be intoxicated or otherwise impaired, but the investigation is ongoing. The Buick driver, who was heading home from work, swung out of his lane into a passing zone in order to go around a turning vehicle. He hit the women from behind, and later stated that he supposedly never saw them. Police report that it was very dark on that stretch of road.
Police officials are searching for the driver of the vehicle that the Buick passed, though it does not appear that it was involved in any way in the accident. Police are requesting that anyone who may have observed the accident come forward to aid them in their investigation.
In a situation where a driver can potentially be found negligent due to inattention or any other factors, the family of the decedent may want to consider filing a wrongful death claim in order to be compensated for the loss of their loved one. Wrongful death suits are filed irrespective of any criminal charges that a negligent party may face. The judge will consider the deceased’s role in the family, the loss of income the family will endure, emotional pain and suffering and any other factors that are deemed relevant. Consulting an attorney who is experienced in wrongful death cases due to a car accident may be a good source of support and guidance.
Source: PostStar.com, “One dead, one seriously hurt in Argyle accident”, Don Lehman, December 02, 2014